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Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Hate Stands Alone

The queue of compelling cilantro hate topics to entertain grows as my time/commitment wanes and while the list is long and I do hope to cover some ground in the weeks and months ahead, one topic stands apart from the others and deserves immediate attention.

The apparent hiatus/tech failure/abandonment of the I Hate Cilantro site by my cilantro-hating brethren at has got me thinking: who, what, why? But, given that I prefer speculation and creative thinking to good old-fashioned investigative journalism (contextually), let's go Fox News on the situation, let's go rogue!

Possible explanations:

1. I Hate Cilantro quit hating cilantro.
2. I Hate Cilantro is having a very serious tech problem (the site has been down for at least a month if not longer) manifest in a lone sad face surrounded by gratuitous negative space.
3. I Hate Cilantro just quit. Enough. The burden is too great to alone shepherd the growing and growingly vocal numbers of professed cilantro haters.
4. I Hate Cilantro is making an implicit statement about internet media: the masses seek a return to critical experts telling them what to think without the interruption of clunky forums and various interactive templates that would seek to make their voices heard in ways more cumbersome and complicated than the immensely efficient "comment" option provided by nearly all blogs.

Whatever has happened, the implications are clear. I must carry the cilantro hate torch alone. I accept this responsibility and will do my best to not let you down cilantro haters everywhere.


vashmyvindows said...

A fifth option could implicate some kind of pro-cilantro resistance.

The hate, however, does not stand alone. As long as a single one of us stands, we are united!

Erin Hollingsworth said...

Foul play! But of course, why didn't I think of that.

Anonymous said...

Keep the hate fresh!

blogagog said...

If you hate cilantro, do you also hate curries too? Because I don't like either (though fresh cilantro is by far the most disgusting) and was wondering they are connected.

Erin Hollingsworth said...

Like coriander seed? I like that just fine--they say the seed and leaf have nothing whatsoever to do with each other taste wise. I did once try "fresh" coriander seeds and they absolutely tasted like cilantro in the worst possible way.

I do love curries and order them without cilantro garnish and if there is some in the curry itself, only once or twice has it been enough for me detect, I suspect because they only used the seed.

blogagog said...

Hmm. Maybe all of the curry I've tasted had a small amount of cilantro in it. I'll try it one more time and request 'no cilantro' to see if that helps. Thanks for the idea!

I've tried dried coriander and it doesn't seem to offend the taste buds like cilantro does.

laurie marine said...

i am so excited to have found your blog! i thought i was crazy, and there was something wrong with me for hating cilantro! it is beyond repulsive, and everytime i find it in my food the people i'm with think i am nuts!!! thank you, thank you , thank you!!!

laurie marine said...

i am so excited to have found your blog! i thought i was crazy, and there was something wrong with me for hating cilantro! it is beyond repulsive, and everytime i find it in my food the people i'm with think i am nuts!!! thank you, thank you , thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the I Hate Cilantro web site. I thought something was wrong with my computer. So maybe the United Cilantro Growers of the Western Hemisphere sabotaged the site.

schoonermon said...

You are not alone in your true hatred of cilantro, my brother. I believe that it is a communist plot inspired by Nancy Polosi to silence the opposition to the dreaded, vile green growth that is harvested from the private parts of slimy infected insects.

ge said...

theyre there w/ a note--
not as we too suspected pro-cilantro knavery!

Anonymous said...

I hate cilantro!! I am so glad you are writing this blog. So tired of cilantro being included in all my favorite foods. Why aren't any restaurants offering a no cilantro option??

BBR said...

You are not alone!!!! Cilantro (aka coriander) makes me gag if I get any hint of its presence in my food.

Anonymous said...

For years I thought I was alone; to know that others consider this little green leaf to be the Devil's Herb is nothing short of overwhelming.

Thank you my sisters and brothers, you vindcate me; you validate me. From now on my head will be held high, my gaze steady and strong, as I express my revulsion at this hideous herb and the abomination it wreaks on unsuspecting dishes.